Saturday, December 12, 2009

Lazy Saturday with Stephen Drucker

So, it's a lazy Saturday here at the shop. Onur is working on updating the website, I'm taking pictures of what I've been up to lately shade wise, the dog is laying on the $$$velvet sofa as if he owns it. A gentleman walks in, he seems like someone I have seen before...then he introduces himself as Stephen Drucker.
Stephen Drucker. The editor in chief of House Beautiful. That Stephen Drucker.

For the next brief, heart fluttering moments I tried to describe what I do here at LiT. The shades, the design, the process. He started taking pictures of me and the dog, shades in process, the shop in general. All the while telling me what a lovely shop it is, that I am doing something truly original. One of a kind.

Well, darlings, that's what I'm all about. Couture, cultivated, custom. Moments like this, when I go from "downtime" to "Showtime!", make me realize in an instant, I LOVE what I do. And guess what, Stephen does too. :)

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