Monday, December 28, 2009

Emily Lubahn's Latest at LiT

The pale thin light filters through the bare branches, landing weakly on my desk. The world is muted and lacking contrast. Not cold enough for frost, but with enough chill to turn your breath to frosted fog, I have Spring fever already. I rest in the reverie of the juvenile jade leaves just opening onto the deep contrast of a sapphire sky. The ruby and garnet florets of newly budding cherry trees...
Why the spring fever so soon? Why so enamored by gemstone hues? Here's the reason; Emily Lubahn's latest line of beautifully crafted, modern re-incarnations of estate jewelry. Using necklaces, bracelets, baubles and beads found at estate sales and auctions, Lubahn creates one of a kind, wearable pieces that have the charm and class of something timeless while still appearing eclectic and fresh.
Come in and see for yourself, and don't be surprised if after buying a pair of Emily's earrings you have a little spring in your step too.

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