Warm weather, finally! Back to tank tops and sundresses, spaghetti straps and short shorts. Speaking of spaghetti straps let’s have a little chat shall we? On the situation I will address below, that has lead me to call this Friday- “Unfashionable Friday.”
It all started Wednesday, when I came to page 80 in last weeks Us Weekly, yes I read it and I love it, so shut up. As I was saying, page 80, is usually just made up of random ads and things no one would ever need but will fix everything from hair removal to the unwanted middle. But this week- page 80 had a special treat, see the picture, yes notice the “jewelry” connecting the straps of her tank top?
This “amazing” invention is known as the Bra Barrett, fancy name isn't it? According to the website,
Be in command of your straps & feel confident in your clothing with the most beautiful bra clip available. The Plain Bra Barrette is perfect for women of all ages to stop bra straps from slipping, keeping them in place all day, comfortably. Keep one handy for gardening, business meetings, or swimming. Made in the USA, BB's are the ultimate bra strap .
I know what your thinking, "Britt my bra straps definitely need decoration in tank tops, but the one in the picture doesn’t match all of my tank tops." Well, Bra Barrett was way ahead of you and being the “fashion forward” site (I know I had a hard time typing that because of the laughter too, it’s not just you) they are, the “BB” (acronyms too!) comes in a number of colors with a number of ridiculous charms. You could even get the “style” pack.
I am aware this post did nothing for your life but when something comes along that is so ridiculous you just have to write about it.
On the opposite side of the BB, that would be the fashionable side, LiT will be out and about this Sunday. Come join us and our friends for Flat Stanley at the George Town Ballroom between 10-4. We will see you there, and remember to wear your BB, it’s supposed to be warm and how would your tank top look without it? (Oh the laughter!!)
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